Peer-reviewed journal articles
Submitted/In Press
Savazzi, A. C. M., L. Nuijens, W. de Rooy, and A. P. Siebesma (Submitted to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems): The influence of shallow convection on trade-wind clouds and circulations in a mesoscale model.
De Roode, S. R., Jansson, F., Mak, L. and L. Nuijens (Submitted to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems): Countergradient momentum transport in turbulent atmospheric boundary layers. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.172191616.61101761/v1
Nuijens, L. , J. Wenegrat, P. Lopez-Dekker, C. Pasquero, L. O'Neill, F. Ardhuin, A. Ayet, P. Bechtold, W. Bruch, L.C. Laurindo, X. Chen, F. Desbiolles, R. Foster, I. Frenger, G. George, R. Giesen, E. Hayden, M. Hell, S. Iyer, J. Kousal, N. Laxague, L. Lenain, M.M. Pacheco, A.N. Meroni, S. Minobe, C. Muller, O. O'Driscoll, V. Oerder, N. Pizzo, D. Putrasahan, J.-L. Redelsperger, L. Renault, B. Rommen, C. Sauvage, N. Schneider, M. Shao, P. Siebesma, J. Small, B. Stevens, A. Stoffelen, E. Strobach, P. Sullivan, E.J. Thompson, L. Thompson, I. Uchoa, D. Vandemark, B. Villas Boas, B. Yang, D., S. Zippel: The Air-Sea Interaction (ASI) submesoscale: Physics and impact. Lorentz Center workshop white paper. 2024.
Savazzi, A. C. M., L. Nuijens, W. de Rooy, M. Janssens, and A. P. Siebesma (2024): Momentum Transport in Organized Shallow Cumulus Convection. J. Atmos. Sci.), 81, 279–296,
Dias Neto, J., Nuijens, L., Unal. C. and Knoop, S. (2023): Combined Wind Lidar and Cloud Radar for Wind Profiling. Earth System Science Data ,15, 769–789,
Dias Neto, J. (2022): The Tracing Convective Momentum Transport in Complex Cloudy Atmospheres Experiment – Level 1, Zenodo [data set],
Dias Neto, J. (2022): The Tracing Convective Momentum Transport in Complex Cloudy Atmospheres Experiment – Level 2, Zenodo [data set],,
Savazzi, A.C.M., Nuijens, L., Sandu, I., George, G., Bechtold, P. (2022): The representation of the trade winds in ECMWF forecasts and reanalyses during EUREC4A. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 13049–13066.
Nuijens, L., Savazzi, A.C.M., de Boer, G., Brilouet, P-E., George, G., Lothon, M., Zhang, D. (2022): The frictional layer in the observed momentum budget of the trades. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
Koning, A.M., Nuijens, L., Mallaun, C. (2022): Momentum fluxes from airborne wind measurements in three cumulus cases over land. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 7373–7388
Helfer, K.C. and Nuijens, L. (2021): The morphology of simulated trade-wind convection and cold pools under wind shear. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD035148.
Koning, A.M., Nuijens, L., Bosveld, F.C., Siebesma, A.P., van Dorp, P.J., Jonker, H.J.J. (2021): Surface-Layer wind shear and momentum transport from clear-sky to cloudy weather regimes over land. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , 126, e2021JD035087.
Stevens, B. and coauthors (2021): EUREC4A. Earth System Science Data
Dixit, V.V., Nuijens, L., Helfer, K.C. (2021): Counter-gradient momentum transport through subtropical shallow convection in ICON-LEM simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems , 13, e2020MS002352.
Helfer, K.C., Nuijens, L., Dixit, V.V. (2021): The role of shallow convection in the momentum budget of the trades from large-eddy-simulation hindcasts. QJR Meteorol Soc. 2021; 147: 2490– 2505.
Sandu, I., Bechtold P., Nuijens, L., Beljaars, A. and Brown, A. (2020) On the causes of systematic forecast biases in near-surface wind direction over the oceans. (ECMWF Technical Memo no 866 )
Helfer, K.C., Nuijens, L., De Roode, S.R. and Siebesma, A.P. (2020): How wind shear affects trade-wind cumulus convection (2020). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2020MS002183.
Saggiorato, B., Nuijens, L., Siebesma, A. P., de Roode, S., Sandu, I. and Papritz, L. ( 2020). The influence of convective momentum transport and vertical wind shear on the evolution of a cold air outbreak. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12,
Vogel, R, Nuijens, L., Stevens, B. Influence of deepening and mesoscale organization of shallow convection on stratiform cloudiness in the downstream trades. Q J R Meteorol Soc. 2020; 146: 174– 185.
Nuijens, L. & Siebesma, A.P. (2019) Boundary Layer Clouds and Convection over Subtropical Oceans in our Current and in a Warmer Climate. Curr Clim Change Rep 5, 80–94 []
Nuijens, L. & Emanuel, K. (2018): Shallow cumulus and congestus modes in circulating equilibria of the tropical atmosphere in a two-column model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 144: 2676– 2692. []
Nuijens, L., Emanuel, K., Masunaga, H., & L’Ecuyer, T. (2017): Implications of Warm Rain in Shallow Cumulus and Congestus Clouds for Large-Scale Circulations. Surveys in Geophysics. []
Bony, S., Stevens, B., Ament, F., Bigorre, S., Chazette, P., Crewell, S., … Wirth, M. (2017). EUREC4A: A Field Campaign to Elucidate the Couplings Between Clouds, Convection and Circulation. Surveys in Geophysics, 38(6), 1529–1568.
Vogel, R., Nuijens, L. and Stevens, B. (2016): The role of precipitation and spatial organization in the response of trade-wind clouds to warming. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems <8(2), 843–862.
Medeiros, B. and Nuijens, L. (2015): Clouds at Barbados are representative of clouds across the trade wind regions in observations and climate models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(22), E3062–E3070.
Stevens, B., Farrell, D., Hirsch, L., Jansen, F., Nuijens, L., Serikov, I., Brügmann, B., Forde, M., Linné, H., Lonitz, K., & Prospero, J. M. (2015). The Barbados Cloud Observatory — anchoring investigations of clouds and circulation on the edge of the ITCZ. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(5), 787-801.
Nuijens, L., B. Medeiros, I. Sandu and M. Ahlgrimm, (2015): Observed and modeled patterns of covariability between low-level cloudiness and the structure of the trade wind layer, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 7[]
Nuijens, L., B. Medeiros, I. Sandu and M. Ahlgrimm, (2015): The behavior of trade-wind cloudiness in observations and models: the major cloud components and their variability, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 7 []
Lonitz, K., Stevens, B., Nuijens, L. & Hirsch, L. (2015). The signature of aerosols and meteorology in long-term cloud radar observations of trade-wind cumuli. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72, 4643-4659.
Brueck, M., Nuijens, L. & Stevens, B. (2015). On the seasonal and synoptic time scale variability of the North Atlantic trades and its low-level clouds. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72, 1428-1446.
Burdanowitz, J., Nuijens, L., Stevens, B. & Klepp, C. (2015). Evaluating light rain from satellite- and ground-based remote sensing data over the subtropical North Atlantic. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 54, 556-572.
Lamer, K., Kollias, P. & Nuijens, L. (2015). Observations of the variability of shallow trade wind cumulus cloudiness and mass flux. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120, 6161-6178.
Nuijens, L., I. Serikov, L. Hirsch, K. Lonitz and B. Stevens (2013): The distribution and variability of low-level cloud in the North-Atlantic trades, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 140, pp 2364 -2374. []
Siebert, H. et al. (2013). The fine-scale structure of the trade wind cumuli over Barbados – An introduction to the CARRIBA project. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 10061-10077.
Rieck, M., Nuijens, L. & Stevens, B. (2012). Marine boundary layer cloud feedbacks in a constant relative humidity atmosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 2538-2550.
Nuijens, L. & B. Stevens (2012): The Influence of Wind Speed on Shallow Marine Cumulus Convection, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences , 69(1), 168-184.
Matheou, G., Chung, D., Nuijens, L., Stevens, B. & Teixeira, J. (2011). On the fidelity of large-eddy simulation of shallow precipitating cumulus convection. Monthly Weather Review, 139<, 2918-2939.
vanZanten, M. et al (2011). Controls on precipitation and cloudiness in simulations of trade-wind cumulus as observed during RICO. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 3: M06001.
Seifert, A., Nuijens, L., Stevens, B. (2010): Turbulence effects on warm-rainautoconversion in precipitating shallow convection. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136 (652), pp. 1753-1762.
Medeiros, B., Nuijens, L., Antoniazzi, C. & Stevens, B. (2010). Low-latitude boundary layer clouds as seen by CALIPSO. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 115: D23207.
Nuijens, L., B. Stevens and A.P. Siebesma (2009): The environment of precipitating shallow cumulus convection. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 66, pp 1962-1979.
Rauber, R., and co-authors (2007): Rain in shallow cumulus over the ocean: The RICO campaign. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88 (12), pp. 1912-1928.
Other reading (book chapter, PhD/MSc theses, reports)
Nuijens, L. and C. Jacob, (2020): Cloudy Perspectives. In A. Siebesma, S. Bony, C. Jakob, & B. Stevens (Eds.), Clouds and Climate: Climate Science's Greatest Challenge (pp. 1-32). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [link]: a graduate-level textbook initiated by the European Union FP7 CLoud Intercomparison, Process Study and Evaluation (EUCLIPSE) project.
Nuijens, L. (2010): Precipitating Shallow Cumulus Convection. PhD thesis. University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Nuijens, L. (2006): The set-up of a Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean (RICO) shallow cumulus case for LES. InternshipKNMI. Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI), De Bilt, Netherlands.
Nuijens, L. (2005): Estimating precipitation from radar observations in the trade-wind cumulus region. MSc-Thesis. Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR), Wageningen, Netherlands